Thursday, November 18, 2010

Chin Up Talkshow - When is the right time to date?

For those who miss Pastor Kenneth and Pastor Sandra, you can see them here and on the other videos posted at facebook.

Someone commentedno offense but it's kinda offensively perfect because the world just isn't like that. sorry

Pastor Kenneth replied: "don't be sorry. it is we who should be..."

It is indeed tough when it comes to topics like these. As Christians, it is clearly not easy to live according to God's standards. The way to eternal life is narrow. Nobody said it would be easy.

There really isn't a "right" time. I believe God will direct us according to our individual lives.

But one thing is for sure, we have to be obedient in every aspect of our lives, whether we're single or not. Next, we should not neglect wisdom. People always ask for advice but they don't always keep them.

So keep an open mind and ask God about it. Don't write off wisdom from people who have valuable advice and experience.
Relationships aren't as easy as we think it is.
They say "When you choose a life partner, please open BOTH your eyes. When you get married, you will have to close one eye, (or sometimes, both eyes..lolz)"


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