Woah..when was the last time I blogged?
I was so busy the last few months but this week,
I was relatively “free’er”. However, I kinda lost the drive. Perhaps I was on
the brink of burning out. “when busy, say
no time, when got time, no mood”
To be really honest, I decided to take it easy. When I
had empty slots, I watched a series I stopped watching for a loooong time. You
know, how one episode can lead to another. (bad….)
But, I ended up feeling kinda empty. Coz, I knew I had
important stuff to do. But at the same time, doing nothing important may have
helped me unwind.
There is more stuff to say but let me go to the main part
of my post.
Friday nite came: 23 May 2014 – CG Compassion Nite at church and again
I was “available” to play guitar..hehe. I never expected much as I had no idea
what the event was about. I also didn’t know I had to play guitar alone, CG
style, plugged in! Nervous coz I didn’t really practice..hentam aje lah
Anyway, the time came for individuals to share their
experiences about Mission Trips. What made the night special were real
experiences by people from my church, from my island. We tend to read/share
stuff about people from outside but
what about the locals?
It was one of those nights I felt refreshed inside. I needed to hear those people talk. This is
one way I believe God speaks to us. When it clicks, it clicks. It’s just hard
to explain. I wonder if this is an example of “man shall not live by bread
I always wondered how going for mission trips for a few days
could bring impact. Now I understand better, I think.
I’ll try to summarize what I can recall.
-God wants your availability, not your capability.
-mission trips aren't always about helping others, we may
end up strengthening our relationship with God or finding out more about ourselves
-mission trips may remind us that we are nothing and have much more to learn
I was also reminded about the less popular ministries like the Hospital Ministry. These bunch of
faithful people visit sick people at the hospital week in week out. One of them eventually became a patient but has recovered. He is back, giving his Saturday afternoons to the needy.
A facebook post mentioned: People don’t care how much you
know, they want to know how much you care. Christians.....ouch........
The passion of the people who spoke that nite is
something I am not good at explaining in words but their fire reignited mine. I would like to do more with
my life than starting at this computer screen. We all have missions to fulfill, it doesn't necessarily have to be mission trips. Just take a look around you!
What's your life's mission?
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!
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